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Grace and Peace unto you. In today’s meditation we will focus on John 4:14. Before we begin, get into a quiet place. Take a moment to invite the Holy Spirit into this meditation with you. Clear the air by confessing any known areas where you have made a wrong choice or have fallen short. Ask the Lord to forgive you of these sins. Now pray that His Spirit will lead you in this meditation. Pray that God will grant you understanding of His word. Pray that He will show you how you can apply these promises into your life. Thank Him now for having a open heart to receive His promises for your life today, in Jesus’ name.

Relax and Breath

Right now close your eyes, slowly inhale with your breath for five seconds, hold for one second, and slowly exhale for another five seconds. Do this short exercise at least twice to release any tension, clear your mind and prepare for meditation.

Today’s Scripture: But anyone who drinks the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life. ~John 4:14

The word Purity means to be be free from adulteration or contamination. In the natural realm it can also mean cleanliness, clearness, healthfulness, and a lack of pollution. Spiritually it can mean goodness, righteousness, upright, and virtue.

I recently finished a book titled, The Purpose Room written by Heather Lindsey. As I intently read through the pages, I came across a chapter that gave a powerful illustration on the importance of being uncontaminated. The illustration consisted of water. If you were to imagine a half glass full of water and then imagine a cup of dirt being poured into it, the water is no longer pure but it is now polluted and contaminated. It is vital to understand that our spirits is like that glass of water. If we aren’t careful, we can allow the impurity of sin and this world to containment us. This is not the will of God. Our Father’s will is for His children to be pure. Once we profess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior we ultimately surrender our lives under His lordship. It is written in scripture that our bodies are no longer our own, but it is now a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). It is important that we fill our temples with light and guard our hearts against darkness. Darkness will indeed pollute our temples.

We can not get rid of our polluted water without the help of the Lord. We must fully surrender to Jesus to empty ourselves of the dirty water. What have you allowed to contaminate your vessel? Is it ungodly and unwholesome forms of entertainment? Is it unequally yoked relationships and friendships that are corrupting your good character? Is it vain communication such as gossip, lying, profanity, or complaining? What are some things you need to turn away from and pour out? When we empty ourselves from the unclean water, then God is able to pour into us His Living Water. We can allow God to fill us by having a consistent life of prayer, worship, bible study, fellowship with other believers, and filling ourselves with wholesome and Christian resources. Most of all, allowing the fruit of the spirit to fill those empty spaces (Gal 5:22-23).

When we allow God to pour into our spirits, we can then live a life that can transform us into who God destined us to become and to operate under the power of the Holy Spirit. When our glasses are full with light and the clean, healthy, and pure Living Water of Jesus, we can surely have abundant life as He promised.


Dear Jesus, I want to pour out anything that I may have dwelling in my life that does not please you. I also want to put my focus on good and worthy things so my vessel will be full of light and not darkness. Please help me to do this and grant me your pure living water so that I may never thirst again. I completely surrender to you Lord. Thank you for doing a new work in my heart. You are so merciful and gracious! In Jesus’ name, amen.

*Thank you for taking your time into reading this post. I pray it blessed you. I’d love to hear your feedback! Rate and share any comments you may have regarding this entry. Please share this blog! Don’t forget to subscribe below 😊

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2 years ago

What a wonderful post to read this morning! You are a beautiful person full of God. I love your illustration about the glass of water it was a great visual as I read your devotion. Having purity of heart and being one with the Lord keeps you alive in Christ and causes us to be His hands and feet in the earth.