Grace and Peace unto you. In today’s meditation we will focus on Ezekiel 36:27. Before we begin, get into a quiet place. Take a moment to invite the Holy Spirit into this meditation with you. Clear the air by confessing any known areas where you have made a wrong choice or have fallen short. Ask the Lord to forgive you of these sins. Now pray that His Spirit will lead you in this meditation. Pray that God will grant you understanding of His word. Pray that He will show you how you can apply these promises into your life. Thank Him now for having an open heart to receive His promises for your life today, in Jesus’ name.

Relax and Breath

Right now close your eyes, slowly inhale with your breath for five seconds, hold for one second, and slowly exhale for another five seconds. Do this short exercise at least twice to release any tension, clear your mind and prepare for meditation.

Today’s Scripture: And I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules. (Ezekiel, 36:27, ESV)

The Rauch Ha’Kodesh is Hebrew for what is commonly known as the Holy Spirit of God. In the Strong’s Concordance, the Holy Spirit is also translated as the wind or the very breath of God Himself. In the book of John we see this being demonstrated when Jesus appears to disciples for the very first time after his death. Jesus, resurrected and full of power, literally breathes on his disciples and tells them to receive the Holy Spirit ( John 20:22). Fast-forward to Acts 2, there was a sound of a rushing wind from heaven; it filled the room where the Apostles sat on the day of Pentecost. That is when the manifestation of God’s Ruach (Spirit) took place. It was outpoured on to them and they were filled with the Ruach Ha’ Kodesh – the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2: 2-4).

Today, God will freely give individuals His Spirit, when they repent, make Jesus Christ their Lord and are baptized by water in His name. It reads in Acts 2:38, “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” The Holy Spirit equips and guides a believer during their life in Christ. He brings comfort, He teaches, He intercedes, He corrects, and He brings the scriptures to remembrance. He is the Spirit of Truth. Jesus, who once lived among his disciples, now lives on the inside of us.

Rest assured that if you are saved by the blood of the Lamb (Jesus Christ) and you have been submerged through baptism in His name, God will (or has already) place His Spirit on the inside of you. His Spirit transforms us and trains us to be more like Christ. This doesn’t mean because we have the Holy Spirit we will not fall short. It is in our shortcomings, that the Ruach will convict our hearts to get us back in line into His perfect will. The Holy Spirit will make living in disobedience to God uncomfortable. When the Spirit of the Most High dwells inside of you, that means you are His. His Spirit will deliver you from all wickedness, it does not encourage you to keep on sinning. If we continue on reading in Ezekiel, after the Lord puts His Spirit into Israel, they will then become His people and He their God. He goes on to say that He will deliver them from all uncleanness (Ezekiel, 36:28-29). If one is feeling comfortable in their sins, and profess to love God. They should really seek Him on becoming filled with His Holy Spirit. If we willfully sin without no conviction in our hearts, that means we do not know Him. “No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him” (1 John 3:6 , ESV). Just as a parent corrects their child when they are wrong, so does the Heavenly Father. To sum this all up, we must be filled with God’s Spirit to live a victorious and virtuous life.

Self Application

Reflect and Write. Are you truly filled with the Spirit of Christ? If so, how is the Holy Spirit functioning in your life currently? Is this a season of being taught, corrected, or seeking comfort from the Holy Spirit? How is He helping you during this season of your life?


Dear Heavenly Father, thankyou for sending your precious Spirit. Help me to follow the leading of your Spirit so I may walk in your ways and keep your precepts. May I not quench your Holy Spirit. Help me to obey, because your Spirit leads to Truth and Life. I also thank you for being my Helper, Teacher, and my Comfort. Because your Spirit dwells in me, I know that I belong to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

*Thank you for taking your time into reading this post. I pray it blessed you. I’d love to hear your feedback! Rate and share any comments you may have regarding this entry. Don’t forget to subscribe below to this blog so you’ll be notified for more amazing content!😊

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Makala Ramocan
Makala Ramocan
2 years ago

Yes lord we need your spirit today always and forever. Lord help us to be led you and give us a willing spirit to obey your word.

2 years ago

Great Word on the importance of the Holy Spirit working in our lives on a daily basis. We are not looking for just an experience but a life of living in the Spirit. Thank you for obeying God and sharing this blog.