Look with wonder at the depth of the Father’s marvelous love that he has lavished on us! He has called us and made us his very own beloved children…

1 John 1:3

On September 9th, 2018 I came to the personal knowledge of what it meant to have unconditional love for someone. As I heard my newborn baby’s cry for the very first time, my eyes uncontrollably began to water, my heart became full and eventually erupted with an overwhelming joy. “My baby…that’s my baby’s cry,” I remember thinking, “He’s finally here”. I remember holding my firstborn for the very first time. He was so small and fragile; he weighed only three pounds and thirteen ounces. I felt extremely awkward holding him in my arms. I was secretly praying that I wouldn’t drop him. The NICU nurse politely asked would I like to try skin-to-skin bonding. I agreed. Despite of the wiring that was tapped to his little chest (these wires were connected to a system that kept track of his vitals), the nurse managed to get him tucked into my gown and she snuggled him right up against my chest. “He’s home,” she murmured to me softly, “You are your baby’s home“. I began to think about how much I loved this little person I just met. “I love you so much, even before you were born, I have loved you”(I say this to both of my babies😊). The moment was perfect.

Top picture is when I was in the NICU with my firstborn son in 2018. Bottom picture is when I had my second son in 2020.

This memory instantly reminds me of how much God loves me. From the moment a mother finds out she’s pregnant, naturally she starts putting into practice ways to take better care of herself. She limits or completely stops eating junk food and replaces it with a healthier diet. If she previously practiced unhealthy habits like drinking and smoking, then she quits. She takes her prenatal vitamins, she does safe exercises, and even regularly checks in with her obstetrician or midwife. The mother does this because she already loves her baby, even before birth. Just as a mother can love her unborn baby, God has loved me while I was yet a sinner (Romans 5:8). Before I came to know Yah, before I was reborn into Christ, …Jesus had already laid down His life for me. It’s amazing how great God’s love was for me while I was still in my mess, while my mind wasn’t even on Jesus. Yet He gave His life up for me regardless. In addition, as many of us mothers can relate, an expecting mother has a sacrificial love for her baby. She’s willing to give up things she enjoyed and probably had to practice other habits she might not enjoy (like exercising regularly or trading in a bag of Cheetos for carrots). Similarly, God is the same way. Jesus literally emptied Himself of His rightful dignity and royalty that He had in heaven to become a humble servant on Earth.

Insead,he gave up his divine privileges; he took up the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being. When he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death.

Philippians 2:7-8 NLT

I find it fascinating that the love Abba has for His children is far greater than earthly unconditional love a mother or father could have for their child. This love has to be a supernatural, divine, and awe-inspiring type of love. This kind of love the Father has is Agape.


Agape is unconditional, unselfish, the purest, and highest form of love. This love runs deep and never runs out. This kind of love leaves the ninety-nine to go after the one lost sheep. This kind of love desires everlasting relationship. The bible says that the people of God are His offspring (Acts 17:29). Like a babe who comes from it’s mother and father, He is my Home.

*Thank you for taking your time into reading this post. I pray it blessed you. I’d love to hear your feedback! Rate and share any comments you may have regarding this entry. Please share this blog! Don’t forget to subscribe below 😊