I am the Light of the world, he who follows Me will not walk in darkness, but will have the Light of Life
John 8:12
While the rest of the world is using this time of the year to celebrate evil and darkness, I think it is the perfect timing to write about living in the Light. As children of the Most High we are called live a life that is glorifying to God and reflects the love of Jesus to those around us. We do this by continually living in the Light. The light spiritually symbolizes hope. The light’s purpose is to simply remove or come out of darkness. Jesus is the light and as children of God, we posses the same light that Jesus had while on Earth-full of power and righteousness. We must not be ashamed of the light by covering it up, but we must live it out daily.
When I take a look at what is going on in the world today, in the natural it does seem like there is little to no hope. Every time I turn on the news it seems like things aren’t getting any better and people are beginning to lose hope. It’s dark outside. Even Christians have been distracted by the darkness and chaos that is happening in the world today, that they’ve became weary. Personal testimony- During our move from Hawaii to Atlanta I remember feeling this way. Because of the drastic rise of covid-19, I was feeling worried about traveling in the thick of it. When we arrived to Atlanta, and after going out to a few places, I became so disturbed with people not following the CDC guidelines of social distancing and wearing masks. It had got me thinking that if these people don’t follow the safety precautions, then we’ll be stuck in the pandemic forever! I was growing frustrated, worried, and losing hope…But this is not the will of the Father to have that way of thinking. No, I must cast down those fearful and negative thoughts and replace it with the mind of Jesus Christ! I must live by example and put my trust in Jesus.
So I wrote this entry today to tell you to turn on your light switch! How can you live and walk in the light? Well I have 5 keys that I feel the Holy Spirit is teaching me and wanted me to share with you.
- Pray and Seek the Lord. How do you expect your perception on life to change if you do not pray? It’s going to take some serious prayer, strength, and guidance from the Lord to maintain the light. We must keep our hearts fixed on God through prayer. Prayer is that extra fuel that keeps you going, prayer is what brings you hope, builds your faith, and can encourage others to pray.
- Meditating on the Word. Notice I said meditate. Not simply reading the Bible, but really focusing, thinking, and praying about the sciptures. The Word of God is living and it has the power to transform. It refreshes and purifies our hearts from all the junk, that we allowed to enter into our hearts through our eyes whether it was on purpose or by accident. When we nurture our spirits the living Word of God we are agreeing with His truth and what He says, We are becoming likeminded with Christ and not the world. Our eyes are being filled with light!
- Glorifying God in all Circumstances. No matter what condition the world may be in or whether you may be going through a low moment in your life. We must keep praising God through it. Glorying God in the middle of the good and bad times can remind you of who the kind of God it is that you serve. It will remind you that no matter what, He is still the Almighty God. It reminds you that the enemy is defeated and Jesus has already won. This will also bring memories back into your mind on how He came through on your behalf. When others see you being joyful and praising God in all circumstances, this will produce a curiosity and produce a spark of hope.
- Living Holy. Living a life that glorifies and that is obedient to The Most High parallels with walking in the light. You can not live in disobedience to God and still have the light of Jesus Christ. Living holy calls for humble repentance, denying the flesh, and fully surrendering your will to the Lord. When you live in the light, the supernatural fruits of God will naturally manifest and you will be blessed. Ephesians 5:8-10 says, “For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of the light! For this light within you produces only what is good, right, and true. Carefully determine what pleases the Lord“.
- Be a Witness. Share your testimony! Sharing your testimony on what God has done for you is always encouraging and does bring hope to those around you. Even in some cases it can be a tool to bring others to the Lord. Other ways to be a witness is through random acts of kindness, giving, praying for others and letting them know that you are sincerely praying for them, and sharing the gospel of Christ.
In closing, God has called you to be a light to those around you. So keep your lights on and your lamps full. Gal 6:9 tells us, “Don’t grow weary in your well doing, but in due season we will reap a harvest of blessing if we do not give up.
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you that you are the Light of the world and you have given me the light of life. Help me Lord not to cover my light, but to let it shine brightly before everyone. Forgive me if I have dimed my light by the being distracted with the concerns of this world. Help me to remember that no matter how dark things may seem in the world today, that you are still in control. Please give me peace in knowing this. Show me how I can lead by example and bring others hope through the love of Jesus. Please use me for your glory and bring honor to your name. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
*Thank you for taking your time into reading this post. I pray it blessed you. I’d love to hear your feedback! Rate and share any comments you may have regarding this entry. Please share this blog! Don’t forget to subscribe below 😊
What a awesome timely word!! Great encouragement for the Body of Christ.
Praise God! I pray this encourages many