“Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve him day and night, in his temple; and he who sits on the throne will shelter them with his presence” (Rev 7:15)
My imagination runs wild when I picture your throne room.
Like, there you are sitting high and lifted up, Son on your right side.
You are the King, The God of the universe and the heavens, our Elohim.
Living light beams from your very being.
The trains of your robe fills the temple, radiant colors of the rainbow illuminating from you throne.
A river of living water flowing from your seat of mercy. You are beautiful and holy.
There are no human words that can fully describe your essence.
The four living creatures are surrounding your throne. Crying,” HOLY, HOLY, HOLY”.
Angels and the Redeemed dance and sing in you midst. There’s a party in the throne room.
In your holy chambers life, laughter, and love abides. Celebration, worship, and awe is in this place.
It smells wonderful here too. After all, worship gives off a savory sweet smelling fragrance.
The aroma just fills the room.
There you sing songs of tender melodies over your people. You rejoice over the chosen with laughter.
Everyone has access to you here. You have made yourself available to all of your children.
Here, in the throne room of heaven, we come together to be with our Father.
*Thank you for taking your time into reading this post. I pray it blessed you. I’d love to hear your feedback! Rate and share any comments you may have regarding this entry. Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog to be notified for more amazing content!
This was so beautiful! I could hear, feel and see everything you described! Your blog is going to touch so many people Racquel!
I’m so glad you enjoyed & was able to capture a this picture as well! Amen girl I pray that it reaches many people.